A Note From Robert & Lynette

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for visiting our site. As you explore the information & read the ABOUT US section, you will know why this is our business and we are so passionate about it.

After you view the site and attend 'classes' in the LTC SCHOOL, we will be happy to address any questions or concerns you might have regarding extended care and long-term care insurance. You can contact us by email, info@ltc202.com or telephone at (904) 343-1186.

We look forward to earning your trust and being your long-term care specialist!


Click Here for:


 Online Resources for Seniors 

  1. AARP
  2. Alzheimer's Association
  3. Eldercare Locator
  4. ElderWeb
  5. Road Scholar
    (FKA Exploritas)

Source: InfoStat (July 2013), Top 10 Medical Services Excluded by Health Insurance, HealthPocket, Retrieved from: goo.gl/bxDj2A


Our mission is to help you better understand Long-Term Care (LTC) - what it is and why you should plan for it.  We'll also share with you how Long-term Care Insurance can help protect you, your hard-earned assets. and more importantly your family and loved ones..  As Long-term Care Insurance Specialists for the past 20 years, we've seen this need for LTC planning grow exponentially - along with many changes in the insurance products available. 

As long-term care planning is our agency's only focus, we are confident that our knowledge will be an asset to you and your family.  We currently represent the major 'players' in the 'traditional' long-term care insurance product industry as well as the major players in the new & popular 'linked benefit' long-term care insurance products.  You can read more about the 'linked benefit' products on this site as well.

We do not subscribe to the 'square peg in a round hole' theory.  In many ways, we are all different with varying needs.  That's why, while this site paints a picture from 30,000 feet up with pertinent information & potential financial ramifications of an extended care need, it's important that you consult with a specialist in this market to help you determine what is best for YOU.  And, we sincerely hope that the specialist you select is US!

Please contact us now using either the Contact NOW! or Get Info! tab above with confidence that all the information is private and not an application for insurance.

Thanks, again.  We look forward to working with you.

Robert Brown, President

Lynette Brown, CLTC, Vice President

Let's Get Started!